It Didn’t Have to be a Boring Shirt Dress

On this season of Project Runway, there is one contestant who is so ridiculously superior and rude to her fellow contestants that Tim Gunn called her out for it in front of everyone. To the others he said, “I don’t understand why you let her manipulate, control, and bully you.” This was, of course, after she designed a bland collection, putting all her team’s reputations on the line, then forced a cry session on the runway and immediately after, pitched a teammate who had immunity under the bus. And after one of the nicest, most good-natured designers was told he was out. Tim did not approve and, I assume, neither did the viewing audience.


I Love The Boys!

This week on The Hills,

To the sounds of new OneRepublic and old AAR, Kristin finally broke it off with Justin (we think.) Like most people, pants don’t agree with Kristin, but that’s okay, she doesn’t miss them. In one scene she announced “I love the boys!” and in the next, homewrecker-turned-cohort Stacie was telling her to “take it easy” on a banana.

In a way, Audrina broke up the happy couple…but can she really be held responsible when she’s baffled by putting her car in reverse?

Kristin didn’t fit Justin’s pace of life anyway. He asked her “Can you just mellow out? Take a nap-? Cruise-?” You’re probably thinking ‘wow. that tool sounds like a greaser.’ Good thing he had the threads to go along with it.

Justin Bobby played dress up as a greaser and a detective! Yay! The crazy outfits are back! Can we make requests? My vote is for chinos, cowboy boots and mittens.

On Greek,

Cappie and Casey are finally back together after an entire season filled with discussion about the end of the world party. And what better way to celebrate than setting another sorority’s house on fire? OK, Evan Lame-bers didn’t seem too happy for them when he set up the KTs and got 3 of Cappie’s best expelled from the school they never attend. Ashley wasn’t totally excited, either, but that’s probably because she remembered she was dating the girls’ manny. All the odds could be going against them right now but it’s Cappie and Casey and now they’re sharing more than a “Night, Cap.”

People losing competitions:

On The Amazing Race 15, when Maria and Tiffany had to pick their Detour challenge, they were comfortable in their decision. They thought they would be equally good at both dancing and playing golf, but they chose dancing. Unfortunately, they needed upper body strength to get through the door so, after many attempts, they switched tasks. They biked all the way back to the swamp they had to swip through. But golf was hard, too, and they were about fifteen hits over par. They biked back to the first task, dancing, but were still too weak. They returned to golfing (via bike, strip, swim) but now it was windy! After “hugging it out” many times, they gave up and Phil came to find them. In this situation, that wasn’t even the most embrassing part.

On Project Runway, Christopher played his worn woe-is-me card to try to win the judges’ pity. But this didn’t make them suddenly forget his horrible design, which he admitted described him as a designer, and for once in the challenge, his tears didn’t work. If Gordana knew this tactic wouldn’t work maybe she wouldn’t bring her coming-to-America story into things. Then again, Heidi was just wondering how the Grey Dress Woman stuck it out so long.


Miss Universe is Venezuela…Again

Miss Universe

Got some really fetching acts to perform last night…Like Heidi Montag-Pratt. Heidi’s performance didn’t even graze already low expectations. Her song, that sounded like it was recorded in her kitchen called “Body Language” and even Britney would cringe at, was playing in the background to her lipsynching.

 Her 12 backup dancers made her look worse, not better, and her brown, double-crotch spandex-suit made her look like a workout instructor as opposed to a singer. The workout being hop-hop, strut, walk straight, bend over, walk back, hop; repeat. Whoo, don’t break a sweat.

And most of the intelligible lyrics were “Do what you like, like, I’ll do what you like. Like.” Way to go, Heidi. A song about sexual favors. You’ve outdone yourself. Her mic was strategically turned on after she was done singing so she could squeak “thank you! thank you!”

Then Flo Rida violated Miss Australia’s personal space and stalked Miss Venezuela backstage.

The third performance was Kelly Rowland and a lame DJ (David Gu-etta?) who tried to excite the audience by raisin’ the roof while not really deejaying. You’re thinking “Kelly Rowland? You mean like one of the untalented, unpopular girls of Destiny’s Child? Like not Beyonce? Thanks.”

Yes, it sounds like a disaster but the cardboard audience and applause loop really enjoyed the performers of the night. Guess you had to be there.

The voice-over guy and Billy Bush had some very tasteful things to say, as you could imagine. Before the swimsuit portion, when the show was headed to commercial, the voice-over says “Skin is in and you’ll see plenty of it!” For being aired on NBC and being Trump’s special kid, they sure sound desperate for viewership.

What did Billy have to say about the swimsuit portion? “You got the bathing suits…You see the physicality – bang!” Miss Australia would agree. She’s had to work for her figure.

Then they let the girls talk, inspiring a new segment here:

What a Story, Vapid Model!

Miss Venezuela (the winner) starts hers off like this “Four days before my fifteenth birthday, my father, who had been kidnapped, was released. It was at that moment I went from being a child to being a woman.” Wait a second…Did you have to, uh, trade something to get your dad back?

Miss Dominican Republic, the runner-up, begins “I was twelve when my brother was born. I didn’t like taking care of him.”

At the end, when you get to hear Miss Universe ’08’s little speech she’s going into how great her experience was, blah blah blah. And to her friends and family “By the way, I will always love you.” By the way? What, you just remembered to mention them?

The crowning was anything but theatrical, as Billy kept reminding us she would be a “repeat”, so they pitched the crown on the floor. Naturally. Two hours of beauty pageant garbage and it just goes to show that if you have a really dramatic story to tell, you will win.

On the season premiere of Project Runway, there were a lot of new characters to deal with, like Nicolas Putvinsky -what a name to hate- who had designed for someone nobody’s ever heard of before and had his work on the cover of Vogue. So why is he there? Who knows. Johnny, on the other hand, had an immediate meltdown when he couldn’t make his brain work. On the very first challenge.

We saw the best and worst of designs but it boiled down to an “unwearable”, see-through hack-job or dealing with a crazy chick whose designs were for women of 2080. See ya, alien-girl.

The abrupt cancellation of Megan Wants a Millionaire was due to Ryan Jenkins’ let’s say questionable behavior. Remember Ryan? He was the one vying for a greencard, the one who said “She’s hot. I’m hot. We should be together.” like three times in a row. Ryan Jenkins was suspect of murdering his ex-wife when the police recently found her body but they had yet to track him down. And once they did, he had committed suicide.

Tough luck, Megan. Maybe Vh1 will take a hint and lay off the skanky shows for a while…But what would they air? Music videos?
