How Hard Is It To Get A Baby?

On the return of One Tree Hill, I think the last five minutes left many of us asking the same question: “How hard is it to get a baby around these parts?” If Brooke is screwed out of a baby one more time, Haley is going to have to surrogate one and give it to her for Christmas. But c’mon, they did have stupid names picked out.

Austin Nichols (Julian) directed this one, giving us a lot of flashbacks of past seasons. A few more old scenes would have been preferable but they are obviously trying to make it seem like Quinn and Clay have been around forever.

The upside – Augustana music! All new songs from their self-titled album to be released April 26th! Gotta love OTH for the music. Even the old Switchfoot from one of the flashbacks made me smile.

But once again, Brooke doesn’t get the baby. Watch Alex announce she’s pregnant next week.
