Most Searched Topics

I’m dedicating this post to addressing tags with by far the most hits and possibly clearing up some miscommunication along the way. Beginning with the most searched line from Gossip Girl in the show’s 4-year run:

“Only a Masochist Could Ever Love Such a Narcissist”

First of all, I’ve gathered that many of the show’s viewers are baffled by these big words so I’ll provide definitions. Masochist: someone who enjoys pain or hurting oneself. Narcissist: someone who is self-absorbed or fascinated by/in love with oneself. So, when Blair says, “Only a masochist could ever love such a narcissist,” she is referring to herself as relishing in pain and Chuck as being self-obsessed. Yes. It was once a clever line until you searched the absolute $hit out of it.

“Houdini Electric Feel”

This search is pointing out the similarities between MGMT‘s song Electric Feel and Foster The People‘s Houdini. No, Houdini is not actually a remake, rip-off, or addition to the song Electric Feel. This might come up on a higher media level soon though, as the band is set to release Houdini as one of the next singles off their debut Torches.

The next search, simply “Hanna’s hair” is regarding Pretty Little Liars‘ star Ashley Benson’s hair on the show. And her decision to trim it. Honestly, children, don’t we have better thngs to do than use our new iPod Touches to harrass Google all day with useless information about half-stars?

 “One Tree Hill Mimi”

Now, this search has popped up time and again over the years and, yes, a whole bunch of these are rapid-fire caveman fragments. I have watched almost every season of One Tree Hill, the nighttime soap that just won’t die, and never have I come across a Mimi on the show. If it’s slipping my mind, by all means leave a comment but this may be yet another search engine mystery.
