Like Wearing a Raincoat in the Shower

On this season of the Real World New Orleans, we’ve received people cooler than DC‘s cast and giving Cancun a run for its money. Every roommate becomes more interesting than the next (except maybe, say, Ashlee) and our gift was a special boy named Ryan. Ryan is very dramatic; constantly creating heated arguments and his attitude with people is all or nothing. Ryan preaches about abstinence, although, based on his looks, he isn’t taken seriously. Ryan is a fabulous hairdresser. Ryan skateboards and blow dries his entire body every day, for no exact reason. Ryan loves to cuddle. Mostly men. Ryan tries to stir up trouble on purpose. Ryan wants to be loved and turns to those who don’t know how to love back. Ryan needs constant attention, pampering, fresh food and water, and appreciates long walks!

Ryan likes McKenzie.

Eric likes Sahar.

Knight likes Jemmye.

Preston is gay and Ashlee is asexual.

Well, doesn’t that just work out perfectly?

Lastly, Wisconsin boy Knight frequently spews gems of knowledge like the following: “It’s like wearing a raincoat in the shower. You don’t want to, but you gotta do it.” And, “I think I just stained my pants.” Brilliance, Knight! Sheer brilliance!
