Well, Obviously the Cocktail Party is Over

The Bachelor: On the Wings of Love, week 2, hours 3 and 4.

The hot model girl was doing a “staffer” behind Jake’s back so she was sent packing and Jake was depressed by the leftovers. They were all so…jowly. The love of his life had been in the room but she’d just left.

When the short, useless host, Chris Harrison,  pressed Rozlyn, she said something about her personal life not being everyone’s business. And didn’t the other girls have histories?

<Chris Harrison’s and Rozlyn’s improved dialect>

Yes, which they formed and left back home. Rozlyn, this was last night! He’s still in your bed! Frankly, I’m just surprised the other girls haven’t noticed. They seem to think he’s the laundry guy!

What are you getting at?

Kindly, leave.


 Yes. And I’ll send the largest, ugliest staffer we have to throw luggage at you. Even he should be fearing for his job.

So when it came down to elimination, the last girls without roses were Maggie Gyllenhaal’s face-double, Gawky Barbie, and an unfamiliar blond. There was one rose left. It was a tough decision.

Hey, what’s your name?

Catherine…But I’m just delivering a pizza.

“Catherine.” He nodded, gesturing to the final rose.
