I Remember the Evening I Heard Be in Love

Be in Love teleports us to a Locksley-style mosh pit somewhere (yeah! yeah! yeah!) with brand-new hooks and twists we immediately know (know! know! know!) and love. Guitar/tap/snap/clap/voice-driven music is bound to be the next big, undeniable indie craze.

In the first verse of the first song, Locksley reminds us that they are The Beatles’ sexy, hyper little nephews (Darling, It’s True.)

Yes, one track, and its video, stands out from all others on the album. Darling replaces the energy we so missed for the past three years (night! and! day!)

There is so much heartwarming – literally; apparently Jesse’s on fire – detail packed into their Sophomore album, high-fiving their previous She Does, For You, and Why Can’t I Be You (Why Not Me).

With continuous, unabashed harmonies accentuated by Jordan practically making love to his bass, the only thing Be in Love leaves to be desired is a live show. And twelve more tracks.
