The Road To Success Is Paved With Candy

To recap 2011, pop music shamelessly dominated the music scene.  Between the sudden dance party of Foster The People, the omnipresent Bruno Mars, and the ear-rape return of Maroon 5, it was inescapable. Let’s cut to the chase. There is one goddess of power pop, bringing us another round of the Teenage Dream and single-handedly boosting sales of cupcakes worldwide.

Tying Michael Jackson’s long-standing record, with five #1 singles off one album, is it any surprise that Katy Perry would win MTV Artist of the Year? She took us on a tour through the seven levels of the candy cane forest, so I don’t think so.

Likewise, it would take the one and only She-Wolf, Latina Columbian Goddess Shakira to bring us a song as infectious as Rabiosa. Whether in her gumball-filled bathtub or somewhere south of the North Pole, this mocha song made many a fan want to bite her en la boca. Also not surprisingly, this became an internet sensation with more than one hundred million views.

This year, Nicki Minaj made sure that absolutely everyone got that Supa Bass. Aspiring bubblegum pop stars should take a pointer from the diva – get a British child to sing your obscenity-laced ghetto princess code and you’ll move to the candy-striped HOV lane. And let’s up the video views to 200,000,000+.

Finally, thanks in part to the recent Jersey Shore culture, LMFAO dominated the clubs this year with jams like Party Rock Anthem. With a title like that the fro’d duo were already golden. Throw in their outfits and once again, golden. Then, a skewed sense of confidence; well, everyone has that these days! With 300,000,000+ online views, these two goons held the keys to the Gingerbread Haus, a place for garish metallics and hipsters alike. The doors are open. Embrace the pop. Every day I’m shufflin’.
