This Baby’s About to Make Everyone Mad

On the subject of Shows to Not be Forgotten and Unwatched on DVR-

The Season Finale of Gossip Girl was a doozy. (Spoiler Alert) What with little Jenny Humphrey losing her virginity to Chuck Bass, Serena and Nate breaking up, Dan ready to dump Vanessa for Serena, Chuck’s near-proposal, Georgina’s return, lovechild and all, and Chuck Bass getting shot. So we’ve been waiting all season and the writers had some genius epiphany while writing the last episode?

The least-arousing twists of the episode were Deroda’s comic timing in going into labor and Jenny being shipped off to Hudson; as if she’ll actually stay away. Or will she possibly be handed her own series called The It Girl?

This season’s ending was a throwback to previous seasons; Jenny on a train looking solemn much like another blond beauty on the show; and Serena and Blair packing, talking of summer vacation and the future yet again. This deserves a nod, nothing more.

As far as music, Gossip Girl came through as other current shows *cough cough not naming names* can no longer. Does a representation of current music get much better than a cover of Queen feat. David Bowie’s Under Pressure?

I’d say NYC’s very own little pimp/billionaire getting shot qualifies as pressure, indeed.
